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Change the exercise record

Posted by Dynamo on 15th January 2018

We hear the same story every year. People say they ‘want to be fit’ but fail as #DryJanuary comes to an end. So, this year, make that change!

You’ve tried getting fit before but from one excuse to the next you have failed to achieve your goals. This is where we step in. No sugar coating, it will be hard! In exchange for your promised commitment Dynamo Boxing will give you a programme to succeed.

We’re talking goal specific activity. As one of the most highly respected personal trainers in Croydon, we’ll motivate you, offer nutritional advice and you’ll have our support to achieve the goals we set for you.

Our business is all about results and to get those results we will push you to step up your training gear with our intense, motivational plan.

Sessions are varied and include army style drills and reaction tests, through to flipping mammoth tractor wheels. You’ve seen these things on TV, you’ve always imagined doing it, so make 2018 the year you do!

If you’re serious about fitness, contact us today.

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Dynamo Boxing Training Limited is an Educational Company

Dynamo Boxing Training Limited registered in England and Wales. Company reg no.: 627 14 27

Registered office: 377 Limpsfield Rd, Hamsey Green, Warlingham CR2 9BY

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