Firstly apologize for the huge gap in blog continuity. I had a computer glitch. I seriously hate computers. For me they never do the same thing twice, that is a bit of a lie, sometimes they do the same thing with the same instruction and then just as I think I have got the hang of it….. f*** UP…the bastard thing just goes all random. Its me of course, I understand that it is me that is the weak link. Since September I have been fighting the computer. Last week I gave up and bought myself a shiny new lap top. I hate the f****** thing just as much as I hated the last computer, because of course the same retard is working it. Such is life.
So to this blog on hydration. Why hydration again?
Over Xmas I saw all the shiny new push bikes being wobbled about on by born again bikers, squashed into Lycra. They were being chased down by the day glow clad spangly trainer joggers huffing and puffing, smugly getting a head start to their new year new ‘them’. My thoughts were all about how they had set themselves up for this NEW YEAR new you exercise activity.

Also all this personal physical activity was being self promoted ALL over social meedya, right next to the same persons late night antics. Very impressive! Or is it?

Well I think not. I am a Pro P.T.I. My primary objective is to instill fitness in others. Why then am I not impressed by physical activity in the previously sedentary? Firstly I would not take an inactive semi alcoholic (Xmas drink specialist) far over its design weight and think it was a great idea to take it on a 20 mile pedal. Or for that matter a 10k jog. I was fairly inactive myself over Xmas and I was definitely more active in the pub.
Look I am not knocking enthusiasm, I love enthusiasm. I have observed enthusiasm and the over enthusiastic over MANY years. Its a bit like being VERY enthusiastic about having sex with someone you really fancy. Sadly it generally doesn’t last long. Of course It doesn’t have to be like that, with a little prior preparation the rewards are HUGE.
Why do we need to hydrate?
That is a BIG question which I am going to break down and summarize so stay awake but ostensibly it is THE ultimate in prior preparation.
Injury prevention, digestion, performance(physical/mental) and recovery. That is it. Those four thing are your primary/only reasons to be hydrated. Simple eh.
Well no actually its not, however I am going to give you some methods to achieve hydration and experience the benefits that come with it.
45 mins before you get up, drink a glass (pint) of water. This will set up your body balance. Some of you smart arses will make reference to the ‘before you get up’ comment. Get a life.
15 mins Prior to and during each meal sip water. This will set up and then assist your digestion.
During your day consume at least a liter of water. (this is in ADDITION to the ‘before you get up’ and meal time hydration)
Prior to and during exercise take on at least 1 liter of water. (at least) Not ‘just’, you can drink more but I doubt you will find that easy.
An hour before you go to bed consume half a pint of water, this will assist your hydration state and provide a better platform for restful sleep.

When you wake up from your restful sleep in the middle of the night needing a piss, take on a couple of mouthfuls of water from your bedside glass. Repeat as necessary during the sleep/piss/sleep phase of your existence.
My unwritten study in summary (of which I have many) on the ‘actual’ hydrated state compared to that of a hydration state is this:-
When I consume alcohol (Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening) coffee and tea plus 3 litres of water a day I am generally always thirsty but piss for England. I seem to perform OK physically and mentally but I am susceptible to injury if I push myself after a weekend with higher levels of alcohol.
When I consume less or no alcohol (January & October) and less coffee or tea but still drink at least 3+ litres of water a day I piss much less but perform physically and mentally at a higher level. I experience little or no injuries.
To attain complete hydration is quite tricky and easily disrupted. However the benefits of increased performance from hydration are a joy to experience.
Try it.