Contact me via ONLINE ENQUIRY ONLY ...for serious people only!

Personal Training Croydon, icon Magnificent 8

To make your enquiry,
we need to know what
you can commit to us!
Personal Training Croydon, Training area Personal Training Croydon, Climbing wall with a message Personal Training Croydon Personal Training Croydon, Training area


  • Personal Training Croydon, checkbox icon Aspiring to an elusive fitness/body composite or energy/wellbeing related objective.
  • Personal Training Croydon, checkbox icon Able to commit at 'least' TWO hours per week to this objective.
  • Personal Training Croydon, checkbox icon Able to financially support yourself to objective completion.

Session fees

Per session:£35 each
One session per week:£152 per calendar month *Terms apply
Two sessions per week:£304 per calendar month
Three sessions per week:£455 per calendar month
Four sessions per week:£607 per calendar month

Session times

Hourly session:From 06:00 - 20:00
  • No contracts!
  • One month's notice to quit (to be taken from your payment date)

Magnificent 8

  • improved muscle tone
  • reduction body fat
  • improved mental health



Your programme is goal specific and personal to you. Myself and my team will deliver to you pre prepared, varied, “fit for purpose” measurable movement. This will be supported by considered complementary nutrition and hydration to maximise your all round performance.

Personal Training regime

Overview of personal training methods at Dynamo Croydon.

  • Varied cardiovascular, endurance, strength and conditioning.
  • Free Weights & Resistance
  • Military training delivered by ex members of the Parachute Regiment and Royal Marines.
  • Boxing training delivered by current and ex amateur and professional fighters ABA, BBBC, WBF, GBA qualified coaches.

Basically, everything to excite you and stimulate your body into a more effective, active and dynamic calorie burning tool.

Personal Training Method

Consultation. Prior to commencing training I need you to fully brief me on your requirements. This is done privately during consultation in my office at the gym.

I will explain what I want to know when we meet.

Personal training fitness assessment

I now know 'what' you want, I now need to know 'who' you are.
I am all about DATA. Information is king and constantly checking and correcting process of progress is the ONLY way to achieve a goal.

An initial set of body and psychological statistics needs to be taken:

  • Sedentary and active pulse rate
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Body fat
  • Mass circumferences
  • Strength
  • Cardiovascular output
  • Endurance
  • Flexibility
  • Mental attitude
My commitment to you
is always going to be more
than your commitment to yourself
Personal Training Croydon, Image of a happy customer

These 11 areas are regularly monitored via 4 primary gym tests that I have designed. If you are doing well we will know. If you are not doing so well, we will know.

Please send me an enquiry via the form on the right and I will call you.

Dynamo Boxing Training Limited is an Educational Company

Dynamo Boxing Training Limited registered in England and Wales. Company reg no.: 627 14 27

Registered office: 377 Limpsfield Rd, Hamsey Green, Warlingham CR2 9BY

© Copyright 2019


By submitting your enquiry you are confirming that you are committed to your Fitness objectives.